Agree with TarileFreak
Most of Newgrounds is 14-17 year old kids, so you can't go by them when they say "this was hilarious!! so funny". Your animation was good, but TarileFreak hit the nail on the head with a lot of things that could use some work. There were a lot of poorly written jokes, that while you may say fits the goofy style of humor you were going for, they come across more as lazy, with no real sense of purpose. (red suit joke). The trick to writing a good comedy is sitting down and writing out a script or screen play before animating. This way, even if the animation is bad, the writing and story is still solid. Fortunately, you did have pretty good animtion. Voice acting could use a lot of work (next time go on a forum and ask for multiple people to do voices for multiple characters. "hey guys, i need a really good black-guy voice for a character I'm writing up in a new animation I'm working on!").
All in all, not bad, but could use work. Keep at it though!!!